Challenge ROADEF/EURO 2010 registered teams
Teams are presented by category and in increasing team id.
SENIOR Category
- S1 Kameshwaran Sampath
Indian School of Business, Gachibowli, India - S2 Deniz Ozdemir
Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Graduate Program in Systems Engineering, Mexico - S3 João Miranda
ESTGP/IPP, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal - S4 Mauro Dell'Amico
ICOOR, Interuniversity Consortium for Optimization and Operations Research, Italy - S5 Ricardo Solar
Universidad de Talca, Chile - S6 Martin Josef Geiger
Helmut Schmidt University, Logistics Management Department, Hamburg, Germany - S7 Cédric Joncour1,2, Renaud Chicoisne2,
Franck Labat2, Andrew Miller1,2,
Pierre Pesneau1,2, Ruslan Sadykov2,
Gautier Stauffer1,2, Francois Vanderbeck1,2
1Université de Bordeaux 1, France
2Inria Bordeaux Sud-ouest, France - S8 Cor Hurkens
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands - S9 Gregory Vermeersch1, Matthieu Basseur2
1Université de Lille I, France
2Université d'Angers, France - S10 Bjørn Petersen, Laurent Flindt Muller, Richard Martin Lusby
Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark - S11 Davide Anghinolfi, Cristiano Nattero, Massimo Paolucci1,
Luca Maria Gambardella, Roberto Montemanni, Nihat Engin Toklu2
1University of Genova, Italy
2Instituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale, Switzerland - S12 Santiago Cerisola, Jesús. M. Latorre, Andrés Ramos
Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid, Spain - S13 Matthieu Plumettaz1, Nicolas Zufferey2
1Columbia University, New-York, USA
2Université de Genève, Switzerland - S14 Valentin Weber, Julien Darlay, Guyslain Naves, Yann Kieffer
G-SCOP, Laboratoire des Sciences pour la Conception, l'Optimisation et la Production de Grenoble, France - S15 Demiriz Ayhan, Aslan Erol
Sakarya University, Turkey - S16 Hadrien Cambazard, Emmanuel Hebrard, Barry O'Sullivan
Cork Constraint Computation Centre, University College of Cork, Ireland. - S17 François Soumis, Guy Desaulniers, Michel Gendreau, Louis-Martin Rousseau,
François Lessard, Vincent Raymond
École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada - S18 Luís Paquete1, José Luís dos Santos, Marco Simões,
Ivo Gonçalves2
1CISUC - Centre for Informatics and Systems, Department of Informatics Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal
2CMUC - Centre for Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal - S19 Alpaslan Figlali1, Eyup Tasbogaz2,
Mesut Yavuz3, Umit Terzi1
1Kocaeli University, Industrial Engineering Dept., Turkey
2Enerjisa Co
3Shenandoah University, Turkey - S20 Nysret Musliu
Vienna University of Technology, Austria - S21 Christoph Dürr1, Antoine Jeanjean2,
Vincent Jost1, David Savourey1,
Nora Touati3
1CNRS & École Polytechnique, France.
2Bouygues & École Polytechnique, France.
2Chaire Microsoft & École Polytechnique, France. - S22 Frédéric Gardi1, Bertrand Estellon2,
Karim Nouioua2
1Bouygues e-lab, France
2Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille, France. - S23 Laurent Alfandari1,2, Daniel Chemla1,3,
Lucas Létocart 1,4, Guillaume Turri1,
Antoine Rozenknop1, Roberto Wolfler Calvo1,4
1LIPN, France.
2ESSEC, France.
3LMVT, France.
4Institut Galilée, France. - S24 Johan Peekstok, Eelco Kuipers
Private sector, employees, The Netherlands. - S25 Haris Gavranovic, Buljubasic Mirsad, Catibusic Faik,
Ibrahim Numanagic
Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Sarajevo. - S26 Chan Hou Che, Peng Peng, Zizhen Zhang1,
Haoquan Zao2
1City University of Hong Kong.
1Sun Yat-Sen University.
JUNIOR Category
- J1 Team TORAN: Hossein Rajabalipour Cheshmehgaz1,
Farahnaz Kazemipour2
1Industrial Modeling and Computing Department, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
2Management Department, Faculty of Management and Human Resources, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) - J2 Anand Kishore Chaturvedi
ABV Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior, India - J3 Team RORAIMA: Alejandro Silva, Ana Serra
Magister System Engineer - Operation Research - J4 Joshua Adekunle Magbagbeola1,
Joshua Solomon Adeyele2
1Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
2University of Lagos, Nigeria - J5 Lauri Ahlroth, Henri Tokola, Andre Schumacher
Helsinki University of Technology (HUT), Finland - J6 Niels Kjeldsen1,2, Thomas Sejr Jensen,
Steffen Elberg Godskesen, Kristian Schmidt1
1 DONG Energy
2 Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark - J7 Hanna Ćwiek, Igor Kupczyński
Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Poland - J8 Roman Steiner, Sandro Pirkwieser, Matthias Prandtstetter
Vienna University of Technology - J9 Sophie Dickson1, Gregory King ,
Marcial Lapp, Brendan See2
1University of Melbourne, Australia
2University of Michigan, USA - J10 Julien Menana1, Tristram Gräbener2
1LINA, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes Atlantique, France
2IRIT, Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France - J11 Ahmet Cihan, Mustafa Tacettin, Mustafa Kerim Yılmaz
Kocaeli University-Industrial Engineering, Turkey. - J12 Ruben Lobel, Ross Anderson1,
Stephane Colas2
1Operations research center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.
2ETH Zurich Electrical Engineering - J13 Vasilis Kapsalis
NTUA, National Technical University of Athens, Greece - J14 Erol Aslan
Sakarya University,Industrial Engineering Dept, Turkey - J15 Gustavo Angulo, Rodolfo Carvajal, Dimitri Papageorgiou
Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, USA - J16 Stefan Heinz1, Ulrich Menne2,
Thomas Schlechte1, Ingo Spiegelberg1,
Michael Winkler1
1Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany 2Atesio - J17 Murat Firat
Eindhoven Technical University, The Netherlands - J18 Gérôme Marchisio
Personal inscription