Challenge subject
Sponsored by CELAR de la Direction Générale pour l'Armement and EURODECISION, t he problem retained for the ROADEF'2001 is a Frequency Assignment Problem with Polarization constraints. It is from the CALMA european projet (Combinatorial ALgorithms for Military Applications), from 1993 to 1995. The subject has been extended to take into account the polarisation constraints and the undercontrolled relaxation of electromagnetic compatibility constraints.
The detailed definition of the problem can be found below, several file formats (produced from a MSWord document) have been provided:
- Compressed Postscript
- Compressed Rich Text File fapp_roadef01_rev2_msword_en.rtf.gz
- Compressed MSWord fapp_roadef01_rev2_msword_en.doc.gz
The two examples described in the subject are given here with a solution checker:
- Sources in C language fappeval_rev2.tar.gz
This checking program provides statistics from an problem instance and a feasible/valid solution.
The 15 data instances (base A) of the 1st stage of the challenge:
The 4 data instances used by the jury in the phase 1 of the challenge to evaluate the programs:
The 15 data instances (base B) of the 2nd stage of the challenge:
Important remark: It is compulsory to respect the formats of the data and result files.