[PhD offer] IMT Atlantique, AIRBUS DS - Complex Networks, Anomaly Detection, XAI, MCDA
Forum 'Thèses et Post-Docs' - Sujet créé le 2025-02-25 par Arwa Khannoussi
Dear colleagues,
A funded three-years PhD position is open at IMT-Atlantique in partnership with AIRBUS DS. Do not hesitate to share with interested candidates around you.
(apologies for cross-posting)
Title: Multi-expert anomaly explanation and labelling framework in complex networks
Summary: This thesis focuses on anomaly detection, explanation, and labeling in complex networks. We would like to explore and to propose a new adaptive and hybrid explanation method that incorporates interactions with domain experts using preference models from the MCDA field.
Location: IMT Atlantique LabSTICC CNRS (Brest); AIRBUS DS (Élancourt)
Keywords: Complex Networks, Graphs Autoencoders, Anomaly Detection, Explainable AI (XAI), Multi-Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA)
Supervisors : Cécile Bothorel, Lina Fahed, Arwa Khannoussi, Guillaume Gadek
Funding: COFUND SEED (Co-funded by the European Union) https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/en/research-innovation/phd/seed
Eligibility rules: (1) Did not spend more than 12 months in France since 20 March 2022 (last 36 months). (2) Is / will be awarded a master-level diploma or equivalent for Phd start (from September 2025) (he/she can be graduated during summer) and does not already have a doctoral degree.
To apply: https://seed-apply.imt-atlantique.fr
Application deadline: March 20, 2025
Detailed subject: https://www.imt-atlantique.fr/sites/default/files/recherche/doctorat/seed/research-topics/4-anomaly-detection.html
Starting date: fall 2025
For any question: please contact supervisors cecile.bothorel@imt-atlantique.fr & guillaume.gadek@airbus.com
Associate Professor
IMT Atlantique / Data Science Department
Lab-STICC laboratory / DECIDE team