Challenge Subject
The problem retained for the ROADEF'2005 challenge is the Car Sequencing problem.
The detailed definition of the problem can be found below:
- Files of the description of the problem in three formats (Postscript, RTF, MSWord) (ATTENTION: subject updated on October 12th, 2003)
- Files of one example data instance for one scenario per class (i.e. a total of three scenari) provided in the zip format (,,
- Files of the data instance set A in two formats (Instances_set_A.tar.gz, (created on October 10th, 2003)
- Files of the data instance set B in two formats (Instances_set_B.tar.gz, (updated on July 15th, 2004)
- Files of the data instance set X in two formats (Instances_set_X.tar.gz, updated on March 16th, 2005)
Important remarks:
- It is compulsory to respect the formats of the data and result files.
- Solution checking tools (checkers.tar.gz or are now available to help the candidates.
- New checkers with the new coefficients 1000000, 1000 and 1 (Windows: exeCarSeq.exe, Linux: exeCarSeq) (created on July 15th, 2004)
- This subject is provided by RENAULT for the use in the context of this challenge and for research purpose, RENAULT reserves the right to bring minor modifications to the subject if it is necessary.