CFP Special issue of Journal of the Operational Research Society
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2007-11-30
Special issue of Journal of the Operational Research Society on Transportation, Logistics and the Environment
Guest editors:
Tolga Bektas (University of Southampton) and Gilbert Laporte (HEC Montréal)
Submission Deadline:
30 September 2008
Transportation and logistics are part of today's most important economic activities as they remain to be vital tools for businesses to remain competitive. The ever growing volume of activity generated by both passenger and freight transportation is beneficial to the growth and sustainability of international economy and globalization, but it also has its own consequences, particularly those pertaining to the environment.
Transportation activities are significant sources of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, with the former known to have harmful effects on human health and the latter responsible for global warming. These issues have raised concerns on reducing the amount of emissions worldwide. In this respect, many countries, including United Kingdom, have set strict targets on reducing their carbon emissions in the near future.
There is growing interest in the field of "green" logistics and transportation, which is a domain focusing on environmentally friendly and efficient ways of transportation, both on the passenger front and for freight operations. The special issue aims to put together studies concerning any aspect of logistics and transportation, but with an explicit consideration of environmental factors (such as reduction of energy consumption, air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions). We are seeking novel, high quality papers that address environmental issues in contexts including, but not limited to,
* city logistics,
* intelligent transportation systems,
* intermodal transportation,
* network design and planning,
* passenger transportation,
* reverse logistics,
* road, rail, air and maritime freight operations,
* supply chain management,
* terminal operations management and planning,
* vehicle routing and scheduling,
using operational research based modelling approaches (e.g., mathematical modelling, simulation) and solution methodologies (e.g., exact and heuristic solution algorithms). The special issue aims to stimulate interest in green transportation and logistics from the operational research community, capture the state-of-the-art in the domain, and identify potential research directions that will keep the field active in the long run.
Papers should be submitted through the journal's online submission system on the OR Society's website ( by clicking on the 'Submit paper
- JORS' button. Instructions for authors can be found at Please indicate that your paper is being submitted to the Special issue on Transportation, Logistics and the Environment by mentioning this on the 'explanation of the contribution' field on the submission page.
Tolga Bektas
School of Management
University of Southampton
Highfield Southampton
SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
Gilbert Laporte
Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management
Centre de recherche sur les transports
Universite de Montreal C.P. 6128
Succursale Centre-ville Montreal Canada H3C 3J7
Special issue of Journal of the Operational Research Society on Transportation, Logistics and the Environment
Guest editors:
Tolga Bektas (University of Southampton) and Gilbert Laporte (HEC Montréal)
Submission Deadline:
30 September 2008
Transportation and logistics are part of today's most important economic activities as they remain to be vital tools for businesses to remain competitive. The ever growing volume of activity generated by both passenger and freight transportation is beneficial to the growth and sustainability of international economy and globalization, but it also has its own consequences, particularly those pertaining to the environment.
Transportation activities are significant sources of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, with the former known to have harmful effects on human health and the latter responsible for global warming. These issues have raised concerns on reducing the amount of emissions worldwide. In this respect, many countries, including United Kingdom, have set strict targets on reducing their carbon emissions in the near future.
There is growing interest in the field of "green" logistics and transportation, which is a domain focusing on environmentally friendly and efficient ways of transportation, both on the passenger front and for freight operations. The special issue aims to put together studies concerning any aspect of logistics and transportation, but with an explicit consideration of environmental factors (such as reduction of energy consumption, air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions). We are seeking novel, high quality papers that address environmental issues in contexts including, but not limited to,
* city logistics,
* intelligent transportation systems,
* intermodal transportation,
* network design and planning,
* passenger transportation,
* reverse logistics,
* road, rail, air and maritime freight operations,
* supply chain management,
* terminal operations management and planning,
* vehicle routing and scheduling,
using operational research based modelling approaches (e.g., mathematical modelling, simulation) and solution methodologies (e.g., exact and heuristic solution algorithms). The special issue aims to stimulate interest in green transportation and logistics from the operational research community, capture the state-of-the-art in the domain, and identify potential research directions that will keep the field active in the long run.
Papers should be submitted through the journal's online submission system on the OR Society's website ( by clicking on the 'Submit paper
- JORS' button. Instructions for authors can be found at Please indicate that your paper is being submitted to the Special issue on Transportation, Logistics and the Environment by mentioning this on the 'explanation of the contribution' field on the submission page.
Tolga Bektas
School of Management
University of Southampton
Highfield Southampton
SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
Gilbert Laporte
Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management
Centre de recherche sur les transports
Universite de Montreal C.P. 6128
Succursale Centre-ville Montreal Canada H3C 3J7