Postdoctoral Positions in OR - University of Western Ontario
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2017-09-15 par Marcel Mongeau
Job Posting / Offre d'emploi : Applications are invited for Two
Postdoctoral Positions in Operations Research at Ivey Business School
at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Each position is for a
period of 12 months with the possibility of renewal. The starting
date is negotiable. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Operations
Research, Management Science, Industrial Engineering, Computer
Science, Applied Mathematics, or related fields before the start
date. Interviews are on-going and will continue until the positions
are filled. Applicants with interests in Large Scale Optimization,
Machine Learning, and Data Analytics as well as the application of
optimization methods (integer, non-linear, and/or semi-definite
programming) in transportation and/or energy are highly desirable.
Interested applicants should send a CV (with sample publications if
the papers are not available online) to Prof. Joe Naoum-Sawaya<> or to Prof.
Bissan Ghaddar<>.
Multiple Ph.D. Positions are also available.