Postdoctoral position in Optimisation of maintenance activities in transportation systems at Univers
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2017-10-01 par Sohaib LAFIFI
A post-doctoral position of 1 year is opened at the Université d’Artois (France), LGI2A Laboratory. It is funded by the project ELSAT 2020 by CISIT/ LGI2A Béthune.
Title: Optimisation of maintenance activities in transportation systems
Advisors: S. Afifi, H. Allaoui and G. Goncalves
University : Université d’Artois (France), LGI2A Laboratory
Project: ELSAT 2020 by CISIT/ LGI2A Béthune *
Within the framework of the project ELSAT 2020*, CISIT, Campus International sur la Sécurité et l'Intermodalité dans les Transports, is offering a post-doctoral position at the University of Artois.
The main objective of this research project is to develop new concepts, methods and tools to jointly optimize logistics operations (vehicle routing, spare parts inventory, setups, tools management…) and maintenance operations planning and scheduling in the context of transportation systems. We aim to overcome the lack of integrated optimization methods across the different decision levels in such systems.
The objective of the post-doctoral is to come up with multi-objective optimization methods combining exact and approximate optimization algorithms capable of dealing with complex decision problems. The developed algorithms have to take into consideration sustainability issues like energy consumption, CO2 emissions and congestion.
PhD in Computer Sciences, Operations Research, Industrial Engineering
Programming C/C++
12 months in 2018
How to Apply
Please send a CV, a covering letter, your list of publications, and a letter(s) of recommendation to: -
*: Le projet ELSAT2020 est cofinancé par l’Union Européenne avec le Fonds européen de développement régional, par l’Etat et la Région Hauts de France.The ELSAT2020 project is co-financed by the European Union with the European Regional Development Fund, the French state and the Hauts de France Region Council.