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Assistant or Associate Professors, Operations Management/Management Science, Toulouse Business Schoo

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2016-09-07 par Lotte Berghman

Assistant or Associate Professors
Operations Management/Management Science
Toulouse, France

The Department of Information, Operations and Decisions Science of Toulouse Business School is seeking to fill in two faculty positions in supply chain and operations management or a closely related field, to maintain and develop its reputation for excellence in research and high quality teaching. The two positions open respectively from January and September 2017, and remain opened until filled in. Junior applications are welcome.

The successful candidates will have a PhD (or be close to completion), demonstrate an active research agenda, a solid record of publications and/or the recognition of her/his research at an international level (associate professor position), or the potential to publish in leading academic journals (assistant professor position). Successful candidates are expected to teach operations management, management science and related fields at the undergraduate, the post-graduate, and the executive education levels. There are no administrative duties expected from a successful junior candidate, outside the participation to the administration of the modules he/she will teach. Depending on the profile, an associate professor may participate to the administrative duties of the Department and the School (such as heading a Specialized Master, a Master of Science, or a specialized track at the post-graduate/M1 level). According to the candidate?s profile, teaching can be done partly or entirely in English.

Toulouse Business School (TBS) was the first French business school outside Paris area to obtain AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accreditations. The School has three campuses: Toulouse, Barcelona (Spain), and Casablanca (Morocco). It has a core "Grande Ecole" Program, lasting three years with roughly 450 students entering each year, which delivers a Master in Management; this program is offered on all campuses. There are twenty four specialized Master programs (one of which specializes in supply chain management), an MBA program, and an executive program. The School has formed a partnership with the Department of Management of the University of Toulouse I (IAE) to offer a joint PhD program in Management (Ecole Doctorale) and is a member of Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrenées ( Toulouse Business School offers competitive working conditions. More information about the School faculty and research can be found at: http: http://www.tbseducation. fr/en/faculty-research/research-tbs and The Information, Operations and Decisions Science department?s members have recently published papers in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Economic Theory, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Operations Research Letters, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Annals of OR, Production Planning and Control ?

Candidates should send a cover letter, a complete vita, samples of research (published or working papers), and letters of recommendation, preferably before October 31st 2016, directly to and .
? Interviews for the position opening from January, 2017 will take place on December 5th, 2016. Candidates who apply for this position should mention the earliest date at which they can join TBS if selected.
? Candidates applying for the position opening from September, 2017 should mention it in their application.

Dr Miguel Urdanoz,
Head of Information, Operations and Decisions Science Department
Toulouse Business School
20 Bld Lascrosses, B.P. 7010
31068 Toulouse cedex 7
Tel: (33) 5 61 29 47 43

Electronic submissions are encouraged