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PhD position Networking at the University of Bordeaux - CNRS LaBRI lab

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2007-12-03

The COMET (Context-aware Management & Networking) Team of the CNRS LaBRI
lab. inside the University of Bordeaux is recruiting for one PhD position.
The position is based on networking and communication and focuses on
convergence aspects for Next Generation Networks and Services.
The position may start from as soon as February 2008 with a 6-month
internship and continue with the 3-year PhD from September 2008.
More detailed information can be found below.
Please contact me for any additional information.


PhD position at the University of Bordeaux


COMET Team (Context-aware Management & Networking)
LaBRI lab. (Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique)
University of Bordeaux 1

Co-directors :

Assistant Prof. Daniel Négru
Tél : +33

Prof. Francine Krief

Duration :

Internship starting from February 2008, 6 months min.
PhD position starting from September 2008, 3 years.

Salary :

Internship : to be determined (>=900EUR per month)
PhD : to be determined (>=1800EUR per month)

Contact :

Send resume (CV) + motivation letter to Daniel Négru:

Subject :

Title: Convergence of multiservices heterogeneous environments for home and extended-home networks

Keywords: Ambient multimedia services, IP Multimedia Subsystem, home and extended-home networks, multiservices platforms

The number of diverse services proposed to the users is increasing rapidly. More and more services coexist for an effective end-users usage.
The services range from various types and are available, accessible, deployed through heterogeneous environments, comprised in fixed private networks (home, office, hotspots, ...), mobile networks, sensor networks, ...
However, very challenging tasks still exist on two main points:
* Service accessibility, from anywhere, any terminal, any network;
* Service personalisation, i.e. the dynamic and efficient adaptation according to the evolving context of the user.
Therefore, there is a necessity to characterise this user context, e.g. through a profile using metadata, in order to perform efficiently such accessibility and adaptation.
Home networks may be composed of a large number of heterogeneous terminals (PDA, PC, laptops, phones, settop box, ...), protocols (WiFi, UWB, RFID, X10, Btooth, DVB, ...), services (TV, Internet, Tel, domotic, ...) to coexist together. The first objective is to enable efficient interoperation of all of them together inside the user's home. The second objective is to give users the possibility to exploit the services the same way as if they were at home when away (extended-home). We will focus on the most challenging services, the multimedia ones, incorporating video, music and other enriched content.
Along with network convergence, the Internet, Telecom and Broadcast worlds will evolve to reach a certain interoperability towards Next Generation Networks (NGN). Partial solutions are appearing such as the 3GPP IMS for an unified control plan, the metadata characterisation (MPEG-7/MPEG-21) for multimedia content and context, the IETF RTP or ISO/IEC MPEG-2 TS for data transport, and other middleware solutions. Many issues still need to be solved in order to reach a total service convergence (towards an ambient use) for the benefit of the end-user.
The thesis objective is to focus on such convergence problems for heterogeneous networks and services environments, starting from the home network perspective, and including specific issues such as mobility, security, domotic, Multi-Play,.... An important work on state-of-the art mechanisms and solutions from the literature and research projects will have to be constantly realised. The domain will be updated regularly within the thesis cycle, including new issues and evolutions.
Candidates must have a Master degree in Computer Science, with strong networking and multimedia knowledge and good skills in programming (preferably C/C++ langage and Linux environment). The future PhD student will participate to a European research project (FP7 ICT) in direct relation with his subject. The good practice and comprehension of English is necessary.


Daniel Négru
Maitre de Conférences - Associate Professor
University of Bordeaux

351 Cours de la Libération,
33405 Talence Cedex, FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)5 40 00 35 09
Fax : +33 (0)5 40 00 66 69