Assistant Prof in Industrial Engineering, Dalhousie (Canada)
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2018-03-19 par Marcel Mongeau
Assistant Professor Position in Industrial Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Dalhousie University
The Department of Industrial Engineering at Dalhousie University invites applications for a probationary tenure-track position, at the Assistant Professor level, from candidates with outstanding research and teaching abilities in industrial engineering.
The successful candidate will have an earned doctorate in industrial engineering, or a closely related field, with a proven teaching record, or potential for teaching excellence, and an ability to interact with industry. Candidates must be registered professional engineers, or an EIT, in Canada and/or eligible and committed to professional registration in Nova Scotia.
Duties will include teaching, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, in health care operations and planning. The selected candidate is expected to develop an externally-funded research program. Demonstrated application of industrial engineering, operations research, or operations management techniques in a health care environment would be ideal. The tentative start date for the appointment is September 1, 2018. To guarantee full consideration, candidates should apply before 14 May 2018.
Please see for details about the Department.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Dalhousie University is committed to fostering a collegial culture grounded in diversity and inclusiveness. The university encourages applications from Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons, women, persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community.
Applications, including a curriculum vita, the names and contact information of three referees, and a completed Self-Identification Questionnaire (available at, should be submitted to:
The Chair, Search Committee
Department of Industrial Engineering
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2