La R.O.A.D
Livre blanc

Postdoc au Canada : Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2013-11-18

Postdoc Fellow Position in Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow (PDF) position in
transportation of hazardous materials (hazmat), with a proposed start date
of January 2014 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PDF will work with
Dr. Ginger Y. Ke (Memorial University of Newfoundland) and Dr. Manish Verma
(McMaster University) on developing methodologies and decision support
systems to facilitate effective and efficient response of the transportation
network to changing conditions such as extreme weather conditions, traffic
accidents, and terrorist attacks.

The position will be for one-year, with the possibility of being extended
for another year. The PDF will receive an annualized salary of $35,000,
including benefits. No teaching responsibilities are associated with this
position. The fellowship may require the PDF to spend time between Memorial
U. (St. John's, NL, Canada) and McMaster U. (Hamilton, ON, Canada).

A PhD degree (or near completion) in logistics and transportation is
preferred, while a background in Operations Management, Operational
Research, Supply Chain Management, or a closely related area will also be
considered. Basic familiarity with hazmat transportation will be a plus,
though strong analytical and computer programming skills are a must. Good
written and verbal communication skills are preferred.

Applications are accepted until filled. Full application including a cover
letter, curriculum vitae, research samples, and a list of two to three
references should be submitted electronically to:

Ginger Y. Ke, PhD
Faculty of Business Administration
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL A1B 3X5
Phone: 709-864-3469