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Ph.D. Position: design of sustainable assembly lines.

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2023-01-30 par Simon Thevenin

A Ph.D. position is available at IMT-Atlantique. The objective of the thesis will be to develop mathematical programs and other operations research methods to design sustainable production lines. To account for the entire production line life cycle, the tool will use scenarios regarding future generations of products in a multi-stage stochastic program. This model will account for the dynamic decision process, where the line is reconfigured each time the production needs to change, and it seeks to optimize long-term reconfiguration and line costs. Besides economic factors, the model will seek to maximize production resource reuse instead of installing newbuilt production resources.

The thesis will be supervised by Simon Thevenin (IMT-Atlantique). The Ph.D. student will do his thesis in Nantes. The position is for three years from October, but a late start is possible.

Candidates must have a Master's degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, or a related discipline. Candidates must demonstrate good programming skills and good knowledge of operational research (mathematical programming, stochastic optimization, metaheuristics, etc.).

Please send your application by email to with a detailed CV, your Master's transcripts, and if applicable, your Master's thesis and letters of recommendation.

Good candidates will be selected on a first-come basis. It is therefore recommended to apply as soon as possible, even in the event of late availability.

For any other questions regarding the position or the details of the research project, do not hesitate to contact me.

Simon Thevenin