[ECSQARU 2017 and ISIPTA 2017] Call for Papers - Deadline Extended (March 3, 2017)
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2017-02-22 par Destercke Sebastien
Dear all
this is to inform you that ECSQARU and ISIPTA 2017 are extending the paper
submission deadline to Friday, March 3, 2017.
These conferences welcome submissions related to uncertainty reasoning, in particular in the following areas of interest to the OR community:
- Robust optimisation
- Machine Learning
- Preference modelling
- Multi-objective optimisation
- Multi-criteria decision making
- Risk and realibility analysis
- Graphical models
Iinfomation bout the call for papers, submissions, awards, etc can be found at the following website:
We are delighted of having the following invited speakers:
- Leila Amgoud (IRIT, France)
- Alessio Benavoli (IDSIA, Switzerland)
- Jim Berger (Duke University, USA)
- Didier Dubois (IRIT, France)
- Eyke Hüllermeier (Paderborn University, Germany)
More information about the speakers available here:
Best regards