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Postdoc "metaheuristiques multi-objectif"

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2006-12-04

Dans le cadre d'une collaboration entre des equipes de l'Universite de Nottingham et l'Universite de Nantes, j'ai le plaisir de vous communiquer
l'opportunite suivante :

Postdoctoral Research Position Topic: Multi-objective Meta-heuristics
Closing Date : Friday 13 December 2006

This research project will investigate a number of challenging ideas in the
field of multi-objective combinatorial search. Most of the research in this
area has been based on "recycling" knowledge acquired from research on the single-objective case and this has inspired the extension of many
single-objective techniques to their multi-objective variants. The research
themes proposed in this project represent a considerable shift in emphasis.
Specifically, the aim is to conceive more effective multi-objective
meta-heuristics to tackle complex combinatorial problems in a more effective and efficient manner than the current state of the art is capable of.

Applications are invited for the above post based in the Automated
Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning (ASAP) Research Group at the School of Computer Science and IT, University of Nottingham. The ASAP group (see carried out research in the development of
heuristics and algorithms for a wide range of complex real-world search and optimisation problems. The School received a grade 5 in the last UK RAE exercise. The appointed person will work under the supervision of Dr Dario Landa-Silva

The successful candidate will have (or close to complete) a PhD in computer
science, operations research or a related discipline. In particular, good
knowledge and expertise in multi-objective optimisation, meta-heuristic
techniques and combinatorial problems is required.

This post is available from 1 January 2007. Salary will be within the range
£21,467 - £30,606 per annum, depending on qualifications and experience
(salary can progress to £34,448 per annum, subject to performance, £23,457
maximum without PhD). This post, funded by an EPSRC grant, will be offered
on a fixed-term contract for a period of three years.

Candidates should send a covering letter and a detailed CV together with the
names and addresses of two referees, to Dr Dario Landa-Silva, School of
Computer Science and IT, The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus,
Wollaton Road, Nottingham, NG8 1BB. Informal enquiries should be addressed
to Dr Dario Landa-Silva at