Conférence CSDM PARIS 2016 ( Ingénierie des Systèmes Complexes)
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2016-10-28
Register to CSD&M 2016 "Challenge & Opportunity in a changing world" Paris, December 13-14, 2016)
Dec. 13-14, 2016 - La Chesnaie du Roy, Vincennes (Paris, FR)
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The CSD&M conference is the annual meeting point for both industrial and academic actors working in industrial fields, dealing with complex systems and technical & scientific methods used to model and to master these types of systems.
- 300 participants expected from academies and industries
- 12 keynote speakers & a main theme "Challenge & Opportunity in a changing world"
- More than 40 teams selected to present their research & professional feedbacks
- 1 Poster workshop
- 1 systems architecture & engineering tool session to share the latest technological news
- 9 Workshops partners by experts
-- Solo or Group:
Tuesday, December 13, 2016 – Industrial and Societal Challenges & A la carte Program / Poster Workshop
09:00-09:30 – Opening of the Conference
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 09:00-09:10 - Welcoming by the conference general chair Daniel KROB, CESAMES & Ecole Polytechnique
- 09:10-09:30 - Welcoming by the Program Committee co-chairs Eric GOUBAULT, Ecole Polytechnique & Gauthier FANMUY, Dassault Systèmes & Welcoming by the Organizing Committee Chair Francois STEPHAN, IRT SystemX
09:30-12:30 – VIP Speakers presentations
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 09:30-10:00 - Paul EREMENKO, Chief Technology Officer - AIRBUS Group
- 10:00-10:30 - Paulien HERDER, Head of the Engineering Systems and Services Department at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management - Delft University of Technology - “Comprehensive engineering for Energy System Transitions”
- 10:30-11:00 - Henri VERDIER, Interministerial Director of the Digital Technology and the Information & Communication System of the French government (DINSIC)
11:00-11:30 - Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 11:30-12:00 - Matthew SILVER, CEO & Founder, Cambrian Innovation
- 12:00-12:30 - Round table discussion
12:30-14:00 - Break Lunch Buffet (Level 0, Ground floor)
14:00-14:45 - Plenary Success Stories Presentations
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 14 :00 – 14 :15 – The Cosmo Company
- 14:15-14:30 - MEGA International
- 14:30-14:45 - Editor 3 à venir
14:45-17:15 – Contributed Talks
14:45-17:15 – Parallel session 1
Location: Level 1, Salon OCEANOS
- 14:45-15:15 - Michael Schaefer “Challenges for MBSE and PLE for Legacy Product-Based System Environments”
15:15-15:45- Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 15:45-16:15 - Aiste Aleksandraviciene and Aurelijus Morkevicius “Model-Based Systems Engineering Approach for Requirements Management”
- 16:15-16:45 - Gauthier Fanmuy, Valérie Pegon, Arnaud Durantin and Ségolène Miet “Design Thinking & Systems Engineering to sustain competitive innovations”
- 16:45-17:15 - Thuy Nguyen “Modelling and Simulation of the Dynamics of Complex Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems and Large Scale Systems of Systems all along their Lifetime”
14:45-17:15 – Parallel session 2
Location: Level 1, Salon ATLANTIDE
14:45-15:15 - Robert S. Swarz “The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System”
15:15-15:45- Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 15:45-16:15 - Thomas Peugeot, Nicolas Dupin and Catherine Dubecq “MBSE, PLM, MIP and Robust Optimization for System of Systems management, application to SCCOA French Air Defense System”
- 16:15-16:45 - Thao Dang “Validation of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems: an application to HVAC systems”
- 16:45-17:15 - Guillaume Habault “Defining a Distributed Architecture for Smart Energy Aware Systems”
14:45-17:15 – Workshop Partners
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 14:45-15:15 – Anylogic “Multimethod modeling and simulation with AnyLogic 7”
15:15-15:45- Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 15:45-16:15 – Pragmadev
- 16:15-16:45 – Clarity
- 16:45-17:15 – Mega International
17:15-19:00 - Poster Workshop & Conference Cocktail
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- “An integrated approach for Sytem Driven Product Development (SDPD) by means of development of a mechatronic systems in an industrial context” - Prof. Dr. Salehi Vahid and Burseg Lukas (EDMS - Germany)
2. “Performance Analysis of SDL Systems” - Mihal Brumbulli and Emmanuel Gaudin (PragmaDev - France)
3. “Prerequisites for the Modeling and Analysis of a Product Development Process Using Network Theory” - Abdo Chahin, Kristin Paetzold (Universität der Bundeswehr München - Germany), Julian Hoffmeister and Vahid Salehi (University of Applied Sciences Munich - Germany)
4. “Challenges of Agile Development: A Cause-and-Effect Analysis” - Tobias Sebastian Schmidt and Kristin Paetzold (University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich - Germany)
5. “MBSE & MBSA with Capella and Safety Architect tools” - Marc Sango, Frédérique Vallée, Anne-Catherine ViÉ (ALL4TEC - France), Jean-Luc Voirin (Thales Mission Systems - France), Xavier Leroux (Thales Global Services - France) and Véronique Normand (Thales Research and Technology - France)
6. “A Synthetic Analytical Model for the Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance” - Cy Lam (Hiroshima University - Japan) and K Tai (Nanyang Technological University - Singapore)
7. “Direct democracy as the keystone of a smart city governance as a complex system?” - Claude Rochet (CERGAM - France)
8. “Fast and extensive model based project plan building in nuclear industry” - Christian Marie, Gilles Beuzelin (AREVA - France), Samuel Boutin and Eric Nicole (Knowledge Inside - France)
9. “Batteries For Buildings (B4B) A «System of Systems» development return on experience” - Yann Chazal (RENAULT - France), Do-Hieu Trinh, Eric Portales (Bouygues Energies Services - France) and Philippe Toussaint (Knowledge Inside - France)
10. “A governance framework for complex geographically bounded industrial business networks” - Larissa Statsenko and Vernon Ireland (University of Adelaide - Australia)
11. “Exploring Early Stage Cost-Estimation Methods Using Off-the-Shelf Tools: A Case Study” - Haifeng Zhu, Greg Ojard (UTC Research Center - USA), Eileen Arnold (UTC Aerospace Systems - USA), Narek Shougarian, Kaushik Sinha and Oliver de Weck (MIT - USA)
12. “Towards a Design-to-Value approach in early design stages” - Sonia Ben Hamida, Alain Huet (Airbus Defense & Space - FR), Marija Jankovic, Jean-Claude Bocquet (CentraleSuepelec - FR) and Martine Callot (Airbus Group Innovation)
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 – Industrial and Societal Challenges & A la carte Program / Best Paper Award
09:00-10:00 – VIP Speakers presentations
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 09:00-09:30 - Garry ROEDLER, Incose Fellow and Engineering Outreach Program Manager, Lockheed Martin Corporation “Shaping INCOSE for Tomorrow”
- 09:30-10:00 - Round table discussion with Omar HAMMAMI, ENSTA ParisTech and other experts “System Engineering Education”
10:00-13:00 – Contributed Talks
10:00-13:00 – Parallel session 1
Location: Level 1, Salon OCEANOS
- 10:00-10:30 - Leila Kloul, Antoine Rauzy “Incremental Modeling Methodology of Railway System Specifications”
- 10:30-11:00 - Samuel Vogel, Stephan Rudolph “Automated Piping With Standardized Bends in Complex Systems Design”
11:00-11:30 – Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 11:30-12:00 - Abdelkrim Doufene, Olivier de Weck “Assessment of Resilience in Desalination Infrastructure Using Semi-Markov Models”
- 12:00-12:30 - Juste Raimbault “A Discrepancy-based Framework to Compare Robustness between Multi-Attribute Evaluations”
- 12:30-13:00 - Olivier de Weck “Complexity Management for Engineered Systems using System Value Definition”
10:00-13:00 – Parallel session 2
Location: Level 1, Salon ATLANTIDE
- 10:00-10:30 - William Edmonson “Systems Engineering Education for East Africa”
- 10:30-11:00 - Jon Wade “Systems Engineering Human Capital Development:Objectives and Research Directions”
11:00-11:30 – Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 11:30-12:00 - Omar Hammami “System Engineering Education for Confirmed Engineers: The FAIS Case Study – A 6 years Feedback“
- 12:00-12:30 - Michel-Alexandre Cardin “Empirical Studies in Decision Rule-Based Flexibility Analysis for Complex Systems Design and Management”
- 12:30-13:00 - José Fuentes “Requirements Quality Analysis: A successful case study in the industry”
10:00-13:00 – Workshop Partners
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 10:00-10:30 – A venir
- 10:30-11:00 – A venir
11:00-11:30 – Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 11:30-12:00 – A venir
- 12:00-12:30 – A venir
- 12:30-13:00 – A venir
13:00-14:30 - Break Lunch Buffet (Level 0, Ground floor)
14:30-15:15 - Plenary Success Stories Presentations
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 14 :30 – 14 :45 - A venir
- 14:45-15:00 - A venir
- 15:00-15:15 - A venir
15:15-18:00 – VIP Speakers presentations
Location: Level 0, Ground floor
- 15:15-15:45 - Thierry JEAN-MARIUS, Head of Systems Engineering, Airbus Safran Launchers “On-going transformation from a System Engineering point of view at Airbus Safran Launchers”
- 15:45-16:15 - Virginie MAILLARD, Vice President Research, Renault
16:15-16:45 – Coffee break (Level 0, Ground floor)
- 16:45-17:15 - Thierry BRIZARD, Executive Vice President Technology, CGG
- 17:15-17:45 - Alan HARDING, INCOSE President “Achieving the Systems Engineering Vision 2025”
- 17:45-18:00 - Final Conclusion - Daniel KROB, Cesames & Ecole Polytechnique, France
18:00-19:00 - Best Papers Awards & Cocktail
CESAMES, Ecole Polytechnique, CENTRALSUPELEC, ENSTA ParisTech, Télécom ParisTech, IRT SystemX, Airbus Apsys, Dassault Aviation, DCNS, DGA, IBM, Thales, MEGA International, PragmaDev, The CosMo Company, Obeo, Systematic Paris Region, INCOSE, AFIS, No Magic, CCES, Anilogic, PPI, Projet Clarity and Digiteo (some more to come).
- More information can be found on the conference website:
- For any question, please email to: