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postdoc position INRIA - Dolphin Project

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2007-02-01

Dear Madam, Sir,

please find below a proposal for a postdoc position.

The DOLPHIN project from the INRIA research institute in France is opening a postdoc position. The position is funded by a grant from the AFM Foundation and INRIA.

The position is for one year with possibility of extension. The default starting date is March 2007 or Sept 2007.

Title : Docking@GRID : Molecular docking on Grids

The Dolphin project is involved in the design of combinatorial optimization algorithms and their application to bioinformatics and computational biology. One of the challenging problem is the molecular docking problem. Different questions arise : finding a good mathematical model for the problem, designing an efficient optimization method based on metaheuristics such as evolutionary algorithms, and the parallel and distributed deployment of the algorithm on a Grid system.

The aim of the proposed project is to :
- Formulate and experiment different mathematical models for the docking problem.
- Design a hybrid heuristic based on an evolutionary algorithm.
- Parallel and distributed implementation on Grids.
- Validate the approach on real molecules (proteins and ligands) and an application to neuromuscular diseases.

This project is supported by ACI GRID'5000, AFM Decrypton, and ANR DOCK (Molecular Docking on Grids).

See the web site :

Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree at the time of employment.

Skills: Combinatorial optimization, Metaheuristics, Grid computing, Bioinformatics.

Applicants should send a detailed curriculum (with up to 3 most significant publications) to the project contacts by the end of February

Contacts :

Prof. El-Ghazali TALBI,,

Prof. Nordine Melab,