CFP _ Issue on Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2013-07-22
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
Special Issue on "Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems" (CIPLS)
Call for Papers
The management of production and logistics systems in today's fierce competition environment is a difficult task and has become progressively complex. Major changes in products, processes, technologies, and societies have brought increasing market demands as well as serious challenges. Modelling and optimization of complex problems arising in production and logistics systems is of paramount importance in surviving and achieving competitive gains in productivity and quality.
Within this context, CIPLS aims to address issues related to the design, planning, control, and continuous improvement of production and logistics systems using computational intelligence. In this special issue, we solicit original, high-quality papers presenting substantial results on the development and implementation of novel approaches based on exact, heuristic, and/or meta-heuristic techniques. This includes local search methods (e.g., tabu search, variable neighborhood search, large neighborhood search, scatter search, etc.), evolutionary algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms, etc.), and other nature-inspired optimization methods (e.g., ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, neural algorithms, etc.) as well as hybrid techniques and hyper-heuristics. Our intention is to cover the full spectrum of production from aggregate planning to shop-floor execution systems and modelling, planning and control of logistics systems. We would particularly like to encourage the submission of studies incorporating real-world applications.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Production planning and control
• Flexible manufacturing systems
• Integrated production system and process design
• Capacity planning
• Lot sizing
• Assembly lines
• Production scheduling
• Inventory control
• Facilities planning and design
• Transport and distribution planning
• Vehicle routing and scheduling
• Multi-modal transport
• Sustainability and green logistics
• Logistics network design
• Decision support systems in production and logistics
Paper Submission Deadline: November 30, 2013
Notification of Review Results: March 1, 2014
Final Manuscript Due: May 1, 2014
Date of Publication: November, 2014
The maximum length for a manuscript is typically 25 pages in single column with double-spacing, including figures and references. Paper authors should specify in the first page of their manuscripts the corresponding author's contact details and up to 5 keywords. In addition to clearly written technical contents of high-quality, potential authors are encouraged to employ well-designed graphical representations and examples to illustrate their application details when possible. Submissions should be made via email to,, and Please note that, due to space constraints, we will accept only a limited number of papers for this special issue.
Bülent Çatay
Sabanci University
Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey
Raymond Chiong
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Patrick Siarry
University of Paris 12
61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil, France
Oscar Cordon
University of Granada
C. Daniel Saucedo Aranda, s.n. 18014 Granada, Spain
European Centre for Soft Computing
Planta 3C. Gonzalo Gutierrez Quiros, s/n Mieres, Asturias 33600 Spain
Special Issue on "Computational Intelligence in Production and Logistics Systems" (CIPLS)
Call for Papers
The management of production and logistics systems in today's fierce competition environment is a difficult task and has become progressively complex. Major changes in products, processes, technologies, and societies have brought increasing market demands as well as serious challenges. Modelling and optimization of complex problems arising in production and logistics systems is of paramount importance in surviving and achieving competitive gains in productivity and quality.
Within this context, CIPLS aims to address issues related to the design, planning, control, and continuous improvement of production and logistics systems using computational intelligence. In this special issue, we solicit original, high-quality papers presenting substantial results on the development and implementation of novel approaches based on exact, heuristic, and/or meta-heuristic techniques. This includes local search methods (e.g., tabu search, variable neighborhood search, large neighborhood search, scatter search, etc.), evolutionary algorithms (e.g., genetic algorithms, memetic algorithms, etc.), and other nature-inspired optimization methods (e.g., ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, neural algorithms, etc.) as well as hybrid techniques and hyper-heuristics. Our intention is to cover the full spectrum of production from aggregate planning to shop-floor execution systems and modelling, planning and control of logistics systems. We would particularly like to encourage the submission of studies incorporating real-world applications.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Production planning and control
• Flexible manufacturing systems
• Integrated production system and process design
• Capacity planning
• Lot sizing
• Assembly lines
• Production scheduling
• Inventory control
• Facilities planning and design
• Transport and distribution planning
• Vehicle routing and scheduling
• Multi-modal transport
• Sustainability and green logistics
• Logistics network design
• Decision support systems in production and logistics
Paper Submission Deadline: November 30, 2013
Notification of Review Results: March 1, 2014
Final Manuscript Due: May 1, 2014
Date of Publication: November, 2014
The maximum length for a manuscript is typically 25 pages in single column with double-spacing, including figures and references. Paper authors should specify in the first page of their manuscripts the corresponding author's contact details and up to 5 keywords. In addition to clearly written technical contents of high-quality, potential authors are encouraged to employ well-designed graphical representations and examples to illustrate their application details when possible. Submissions should be made via email to,, and Please note that, due to space constraints, we will accept only a limited number of papers for this special issue.
Bülent Çatay
Sabanci University
Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey
Raymond Chiong
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia
Patrick Siarry
University of Paris 12
61 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010 Créteil, France
Oscar Cordon
University of Granada
C. Daniel Saucedo Aranda, s.n. 18014 Granada, Spain
European Centre for Soft Computing
Planta 3C. Gonzalo Gutierrez Quiros, s/n Mieres, Asturias 33600 Spain