Technical Project Manager for a H2020 European project
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2020-06-10 par Simon Thevenin
Technical Project Manager for a H2020 European project
Chef de projet technique pour projet H2020
IMT Atlantique is a top-level engineering school, a technical university, under the aegis of the Ministry of Industry and the digital sector formed from the merger of two renowned schools (Télécom Bretagne and E?cole des Mines de Nantes). It focuses on digital technology, energy and the environment with the objective of contributing to economic development through education, outstanding research and innovation. Since its creation on January 1, 2017, IMT Atlantique has inherited all of the research and innovation activities of Télécom Bretagne and École des Mines de Nantes. This new establishment comprises 13 departments of teaching and research, involved in six research labs. With more than 1000 publications each year (400 of which are A Rank), the research at IMT Atlantique is carried out by 290 permanent researchers and lecturers, 110 non-permanent researchers and over 300 doctoral students. The research production places IMT Atlantique among the top 10 in France.
IMT Atlantique is seeking a technical project manager for the H2020 European funded ASSISTANT project (3-years). The ASSISTANT (LeArning and robuSt deciSIon SupporT systems for agile mANufacTuring environments) consortium is composed of eleven academic and industrial partners combining key skills in artificial intelligence, optimization, manufacturing, industrial engineering, edge computing and robotics. ASSISTANT aims to create intelligent digital twins through the joint use of machine learning (ML), optimization, simulation and domain models. The resulting tools will design and operate complex collaborative and reconfigurable production systems based on data collected from various sources such as IoT devices. ASSISTANT will experiment this methodology on a significant panel of use cases selected for their relevance in the current context of the digital transformation of production in major manufacturing sectors undergoing rapid transformations like energy, industrial equipment, and automotive sectors which already make extensive use of digital twins. ASSISTANT targets a significant increase in flexibility and reactivity, product/process quality, and in the robustness of manufacturing systems, by integrating human and machine intelligence in a sustainable learning relationship.
Job description:
The Technical Manager will assist the coordinator (IMT Atlantique) in monitoring and integrating the technical work on the project. S/He will work in close collaboration with the coordinator. The Technical Manager will be employed by and for the project and will be responsible for:
- Supervising and contributing to the design, development and implementation of the deliverables.
- Monitoring project progress: quality and conformity of deliverables, milestone achievement;
- Managing risks: the Risk table will be regularly updated to define and implement preventive and/or corrective actions;
- Preparing the periodic and final reports in collaboration with the coordinator, the Management Support Office and partners for review meetings;
- Communication activities: (a) Producing a regular information letter to remind partners about upcoming deadlines; (b) Developing and maintaining internal and external information flows via contact lists, extranet, etc;
- Providing specific templates and tools associated with guidelines to the partners in order to track the progress of the project: (a) Providing the project?s templates with a dedicated graphical style: Excel files for budget tracking and follow-up, attendance sheet, agenda, minutes, PowerPoint presentations, deliverables, reports, etc.; (b) Setting up and monitoring score boards: planning per activity and tasks, deliverables and contractual reports follow-up, partners? efforts and incurred expenses. Gantt charts will be used to monitor WPs and task timings. This tool will track delays or advances in the work and help ensure that project objectives are achieved within the defined time frame.
- Organizing and leading technical meetings; Preparing and sending invitations; Preparing the agenda; Preparing PowerPoint presentations; Writing and disseminating minutes;
- Playing an interface role between the administrative division of IMT Atlantique and the project (Financial Affairs Department, Communication department, etc.)
- Building the community and coordination of the consortium
- Establishing contact with the AI and manufacturing communities to create synergies with the ASSISTANT project.
- Master/ Engineer diploma operations research, computer science, math, statistics, or related technical field.
- Experienced in technical projects (management preferred).
Required Skills
- Programming experience with at least one language such as Java, C++, or python including object-oriented design.
- Some basic technical knowledge in optimization and AI to understand and communicate with the project members, and implement the action plan described in the ASSISTANT proposal.
- Excellent communication skills (in English and French) to speak/write both to academics and companies and present the ASSISTANT project at EU events with large audiences.
- Excellent interpersonal/relationship skills.
- Excellent project management skills and leadership capacities.
- Dispute resolution skills.
- Excellent organization skills
- Previous participation in collaborative R&D projects is highly appreciated
Working conditions
The job will be located on the campus of IMT Atlantique in Nantes, France, and will be part of the DAPI (Automation, Production and Computer Sciences Department). The project technical manager will also interact very frequently with the members of the ASSISTANT consortium and will travel around Europe 4 or 5 times a year.
The position is for 3 years.
Salary: depends on background and skill
Start: Between September and December 2020.
Application deadline: June 28, 2020.
Contact for information on the job: Simon Thevenin,
Alexandre Dolgui,
For application: send CVs and cover letters must be sent to