La R.O.A.D
Livre blanc

Ph.D. and Postdoc Positions at Universit

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2007-06-28

Universität Karlsruhe
Algorithms Theory and Algorithm Engineering
(Prof. Peter Sanders)

Job offering

P h D S t u d e n t s and P o s t d o c s

Our group is seeking two research associates to start working as soon as
possible, but no later than December 2007. The salaries are in
accordance with TV-L E 13 (formerly BAT IIa) and are covered
by third-party funds as well as university means.

We are mainly looking for people interested in one of the following two

* Route planning in road networks
In recent years we have developed the world-wide fastest algorithms
for exact route planning
in static networks. Now we are looking into generalizations to dynamic
scenarios, time dependency, multicriteria optimization, mobile
systems, ...
see also

* Engineering the basic algorithmic toolbox
(data structures, sorting, basic graph algorithms, basic string
algorithms,...) We are interested in efficient implementations,
parallelization, memory hierarchy aspects, reusable libraries,
verification, ...
see also

Exceptional candidates working in other areas of algorithmics are also
welcome to apply.

- good to excellent diploma or Masters degree from a renowned
- solid education in algorithmics
- interest in both basic research and practical exploitation of
algorithmic ideas
- postdocs should have several publications on an algorithmic subject
at renowned conferences (e.g. ESA, SODA, ...).

For more information please see

Please send (preferably by email)
- a CV with a list of publications
- a short research plan (1 page for PhD students, 2 pages for
- addresses of people willing to write a letter of recommendation
- copies of transcripts (this perhaps by letter mail)
- copies of your two or three most relevant papers/theses
(if available)


Anja Blancani
Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Fakultät für Informatik
Postfach 6980
76128 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-7580
Fax:+49 721 608-3088

Please use PDF or ASCII and avoid MS word.

Corresponding to their qualifications, handicapped applicants will be
preferred. In order to increase
the number of women in computer sciences, we particularly welcome
applications by women.

About the department and Karlsruhe

The computer science department at the University of Karlsruhe is
consistently ranked among the top
computer science programs in Germany and is attractively situated on the
edge of the Karlsruhe castle's park. Karlsruhe itself lies near the
Black Forest and the Alsace and the Frankfurt airport is only one train
hour away.

Further information can be found here: (homepage of the department of computer science) (homepage of the university)
(Karlsruhe tourist page)