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URGENT: Full-Time PhD Position in Combinatorial Optimization at University Clermont Auvergne, France

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2017-08-24 par Hervé Kerivin

The Computer Science, Modeling, and System Optimization research Laboratory (LIMOS – UMR CNRS 6158) at the University Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France, invites applications for a full-time PhD position in Combinatorial Optimization. 

The position is funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) for three years and is related to the research project “Optimal Routing and Spectrum Assignment of Realistic FlexGrid Elastic Optical Networks” (FLEXOPTIM) led by Dr. Hervé Kerivin from LIMOS.  The FLEXOPTIM project aims at developing efficient off-line/on-line algorithms for the Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA) problem on large-scale Spectrally Flexible Optical Networks (SFONs) and at integrating them into a global Software-Defined Networking (SDN) framework.  This interdisciplinary project brings together experts in mathematical optimization from LIMOS and experts in optical-network architecture and control from the Institut Mines-Telecom (IMT-Atlantique, formerly Telecom Bretagne) in Brest, France.  An explicit collaboration with Orange Labs is planned during the project.

The PhD research project involves investigating the combinatorial and optimization aspects of the RSA problem, developing algorithms to solve realistic large-size instances of such a problem, and playing an active role in the assessment of the functionality and efficiency of the devised methods on a dedicated Orange-Labs platform.  The successful applicant must have a strong background in applied mathematics and computer science.  We are seeking an exceptionally talented and motivated student with a good knowledge in theoretical and experimental mathematical optimization such as combinatorial optimization, polyhedral combinatorics, decomposition methods for large-scale problems, and optimization under uncertainty, as well as skills in C/C++ programming language; some experience with optimization software such as Cplex and Gurobi would be an asset.   Given the field of application of the research project, a genuine interest in networking is required.  

The PhD candidate will work in the Combinatorial and Continuous Optimization group of LIMOS under the supervision of Dr. Hervé Kerivin and Dr. Annegret Wagler.  He/she will also work closely with researchers from IMT-Atlantique where regular meetings will be held.  The successful applicant is expected to carry out cutting-edge research, deliver presentations at international conferences, and publish in top-tier journals and conference proceedings.  The PhD scholarship includes a competitive salary and travel support.  In addition, a teaching assistantship with extra payment may be available.  Throughout the three years, the PhD candidate will be provided with specialized scientific and career development training offered by the Doctoral School of Engineering Sciences at University Clermont Auvergne.

The earliest start date is December 01, 2017 but the position will remain open until an appropriate candidate is found.  Applicants must have earned a master’s degree in Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or related fields by the start date of the position.  Besides the aforementioned scientific requirements, the successful applicant must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in spoken and written English.  Knowledge of French is not required but would be an asset.

Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.  Applications received by October 31, 2017 will be given full consideration.  Applications must contain

  1. A cover letter,
  2. A curriculum vitae or resume,
  3. Copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts,
  4. A 1-2 page research statement describing how the applicant’s qualifications and research interests would fit the project,
  5. A copy of the applicant’s master’s thesis,
  6. Up to three publications if it applies,
  7. The names and contact information of academic references, one of which should be the applicant’s master’s thesis supervisor.

All application materials must be submitted in English to Dr. Hervé Kerivin at with the subject line “FLEXOPTIM PhD scholarship (applicant’s name)”, preferably as a single PDF file.  If the original academic transcripts are not in French or English, the translated transcripts must have the university’s official stamp on them.

If you have further questions regarding this position, please contact Dr. Hervé Kerivin at with the subject line “FLEXOPTIM PhD scholarship”.