CALL FOR PAPERS _ Artificial Evolution 2019 (EA-2019) _ Mulhouse - France _ 28-30 October 2019
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2019-03-28 par Antoine Jeanjean
Artificial Evolution 2019 (EA-2019)
The 14th (since 1994) Biennial International Conference on Artificial Evolution
Mulhouse - France
28-30 October 2019
The Biennial International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA-2019) will celebrate its 14th anniversary from 28 to 30 October 2019 in Mulhouse, France.
Topics of interest :
Authors are invited to submit original papers related, but not limited to :
- Evolutionary computation, evolutionary optimization, coevolution, natural computing, soft computing.
- Artificial Life, population dynamics.
- Theory, algorithm design and evaluation, implementations, parallelizations.
- Application of evolutionary paradigms to the real world (biosciences, industry, socioeconomic sciences etc).
- Biologically-inspired metaheuristics (swarm intelligence, articial ants, articial immune systems, cultural algorithms, etc).
- Memetic algorithms, multi-objective optimization, interactive optimization, constraint handling, dynamic optimization, etc.
- Hybridization with other soft computing techniques like machine Learning or fuzzy logic.
- Evolutionary robotics, education, visualization, interactive design and artistic applications.
The 2019 EA conference will continue the tradition which has been progressively established during its previous editions:
Quality : With a rigorous selection by a high profile International Program Committee, the selected papers (do not exceed 14 pages, in Springer LNCS style) are planned to be published by Springer (like for all previous editions).
Depth : The single session formula of 30mn presentations eases fruitful exchanges between authors and participants.
Best value : As a non-prot conference, only minimal conference fees are required to cover conference
facilities, proceedings, lunches, coffee breaks, a social event and the banquet dinner.
EA'2019 will take place at the Université de Haute Alsace in Mulhouse.
Chair : Lhassane Idoumghar.
Steering Committee : Pierre Collet, Pierrick Legrand, Evelyne Lutton, Nicolas Monmarche, Marc
Organizing Committee : Bruno Adam, Mathieu Brevilliers, Germain Forestier, Fabrice Lauri, Julien Lepagnot, Yvan Maillot, Laurent Moalic, Mahmoud Melkemi, Dominique Schmitt, Mounir Elbaz, Jonathan Weber, Mounir Bendali-Braham, Mokhtar Essaid, Hassan Ismail Fawaz, Soheila Ghambari, Julien Kritter, Hojjat Rakhshani, Imene Zaidi (local organisation), Aurelien Dumez (Admin Web), Laetitia Jourdan & Patrick Siarry (Publicity), Anne Jeannin-Girardon & Pierre Parrend (Myreview Submissions), Pierrick Legrand (LNCS Publication, Website), Arnaud Liefooghe
(LNCS Publication, Booklet).
Important dates
- Submission deadline: 30 April 2019
- Notification of acceptance: 15 July 2019
- Camera-ready paper: 1st September
- Conference: 28-30 October 2019