Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2016-03-29 par Alice Yalaoui
Call for participation
The conference is co-sponsored by IEEE, IFIP, IFORS, IIE, INFORMS
And supported by SCS, SEE, GDR MACS, GDR RO, ROADEF
Dear colleague,
About 500 participants are expected at IFAC MIM 2016 in France in June 2016, as well as Exceptional Keynote speakers
<, "Industry 4.0 – an Economy based on the Internet of Things"
<, "Transportation, Logistics, and the Environment"
< Prof. Stanley B. Gershwin<, "Engineering, Design and Operation of Manufacturing Systems"
<, "Seru Production System: An Organizational Extension of JIT"
<, "Daily surgery scheduling and end-of-the-day guarantee"
We invite you to join us.
Registrations & accomodation (http://mim2016.utt.fr/inscription.htm)
Associated Workshop : (http://mim2016.utt.fr/workshop.htm)
We also propose you to participate to the workshop OMiLAB "An environment to design and Develop modeling methods for the Factory of the Future", on Monday, June 27 afternoon
Awards : (http://mim2016.utt.fr/awards.htm)
Two special awards will be attributed during the banquet of the IFAC MIM 2016 conference with the aim to honor distinctive contributions: the Best Paper Award and the Young Researcher Award
See you in Troyes in June !
On behalf of the IFAC MIM 2016 organizers,
Pr F. Yalaoui, General Chair, IFAC TC 5.2 vice-chair
Pr A. Dolgui, Chair of Steering committee, IFAC TC 5.2 chair
Pr R. Grubbstrom, Chair of the International Program Committee
Dr A. Yalaoui, Chair of the National Organizing Committee
The conference is co-sponsored by IEEE, IFIP, IFORS, IIE, INFORMS
And supported by SCS, SEE, GDR MACS, GDR RO, ROADEF
Dear colleague,
About 500 participants are expected at IFAC MIM 2016 in France in June 2016, as well as Exceptional Keynote speakers
< Prof. Stanley B. Gershwin<, "Engineering, Design and Operation of Manufacturing Systems"
We invite you to join us.
Registrations & accomodation (http://mim2016.utt.fr/inscription.htm)
Associated Workshop : (http://mim2016.utt.fr/workshop.htm)
We also propose you to participate to the workshop OMiLAB "An environment to design and Develop modeling methods for the Factory of the Future", on Monday, June 27 afternoon
Awards : (http://mim2016.utt.fr/awards.htm)
Two special awards will be attributed during the banquet of the IFAC MIM 2016 conference with the aim to honor distinctive contributions: the Best Paper Award and the Young Researcher Award
See you in Troyes in June !
On behalf of the IFAC MIM 2016 organizers,
Pr F. Yalaoui, General Chair, IFAC TC 5.2 vice-chair
Pr A. Dolgui, Chair of Steering committee, IFAC TC 5.2 chair
Pr R. Grubbstrom, Chair of the International Program Committee
Dr A. Yalaoui, Chair of the National Organizing Committee