Offre de stage M2 DecisionBrain : Production Planning Optimization in the Semiconductor Industry
Forum 'Stages' - Sujet créé le 2023-10-13 par Sébastien BERAUDY
DecisionBrain is a software company that specializes in providing analytics and optimization solutions, primarily in the fields of production planning and workforce management. Our software is used to solve a wide variety of problems, including the management of shared bikes in London, the allocation of nursery places, the reduction of incidents and CO2 emissions when supplying factories and optimization of production to limit lost sales. DecisionBrain is located in Paris (10e), Montpellier (Millénaire) and Bologna (Italy). We also have international offices in the USA, Brazil and Hong Kong.
Internship subject
DecisionBrain has developed a tactical production planning software for a client in semiconductor manufacturing, that this internship aims to improve.
Classical production planning problems [1] aim at satisfying the demand on a discrete planning horizon, under resource capacity constraints with the objective of reducing the total cost (typically lost sales costs, tardiness costs and inventory costs). Semiconductor manufacturing [2] is the industry that processes integrated circuits (a.k.a. chips). In our case study, the production process is focused on the testing of the chips which can take up to 40 steps and has an average delay (cycle time) of 15 days to process all the steps.
The client production process is challenging with large datasets and several complex feature such as:
- Multi-level production,
- Choice between various lead times (effective delay to complete a step) for some steps,
- Alternatives of product consumed, alternatives of resources used,
- And more...
In current scenarios, a few thousand demands must be satisfied, with hundreds of resources (machines and workforce) and hundreds of products. In the near future, the number of demands will increase as the business of the client grows. As the optimization problem is already quite large, the exact optimization model performs poorly when the size of the instances is too large. Hence, the aim of the internship is to design and implement matheuristics and decomposition procedures to complement the current exact approach and to improve performance.
The internship consequently consists in:
- Performing a state of the art on production planning decomposition methods,
- Proposing and implementing matheuristics and decomposition algorithms that rely on the implemented exact method,
- Comparing the performance of the different algorithms.
The implementation of the solution approaches should be done in Java.
Practical information
Environment This internship will take place in DecisionBrain’s Paris office (24 Rue Louis Blanc, 75010 Paris) or in Montpellier office (97 rue de freyr, 34000 Montpellier). This internship can be followed by a permanent position in Operation Research at DecisionBrain, working with the Factory team on various projects in the field of Manufacturing, Workforce Management, Logistics or Maintenance.
Date The start of the internship is flexible but is expected to be in Spring 2024.
Profile Candidates must be M2 level student (2nd year of MSc or last year of “cycle ingénieur”). They must have a solid background in computer science, good programming skills (preferably in Java), and a particular liking for operational research.
Contact Candidates must send their CV, a letter of motivation and their master marks to
[1] Yves Pochet and Laurence A. Wolsey. Production planning by mixed integer programming. Springer series in operations research and financial engineering. Springer, New York ; Berlin, 2006.
[2] Lars Mönch, John W Fowler, and Scott J Mason. Production planning and control for semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities: modeling, analysis, and systems, volume 52. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.