Funded PhD position at EMlyon business school and DISP lab of INSA Lyon: supply chain, IA, Operation
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2020-06-03 par Khaled HADJ-HAMOU
RESEARCH PROJECT: Blur the Line between Online and Offline: End-to-End Flow Management Perspective
PhD Proposal by Prof. Yacine Rekik (emlyon business school) and Prof. Khaled Hadj-Hamou (INSALyon)
English Version:
For a firm to deliver its promise to customers, it must be able to utilize its resources to achieve a profitable balance between supply and demand. To reach this goal, Supply Chain (SC) management aligns the firm’s manufacturing and service resources with suppliers, internal partners in finance, accounting, marketing and information systems, distribution channels, and customers. Information is one of the key enablers of modern business and a key constituent of supply chains and supply chain management.
Nowadays, one consequence of the expanding availability of information is the challenge of handling this information appropriately and its use to create more value in the SC. In a
customer driver world where consumers tends to have more voice (social media), more reach, more expectations and more choices, the SC management needs to be adapted.
The development of the internet combined with leaps in information technology such as cloud storage, network and telecommunications capabilities, enables SC managers to have access to large comprehensive amount of data almost in real-time. The emergence of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) marks a milestone in this development fuelled by the integration of
technologies and communication solutions moving from standalone devices to an intelligent network of objects, in which the physical and virtual worlds interact. Such interaction leads to the omnichannel concept which is a new term following multichannel.
From a marketing point of view, omnichannel means that the customer regards all the retailer’s sales and marketing channels as one entity, and the shopping experience is seamless regardless of which channels the customer uses.
The aim of this research proposal is to develop innovative flow management frameworks permitting to blur the line between the physical and the digital supply chain and to move
forward an integrated and optimized omnichannel configuration. Classical forecasting techniques, inventory policies, fulfilment and reverse logistics are to be adapted to integrate
real time, comprehensive and accurate data and to be compatible with an omnichannel configuration of the supply chain.
Other aspects of omnichannel retailing, such as the costs and benefits of “buy online and pick up in store” policies, information sharing and multi-channel price optimization have been studied by the Operations Management community, but a research gap exists when it comes to end-to-end flow management optimization particularly in a stochastic decision making environment.
To close this research gap, the following research questions will be considered
• How can supply chain flow management advance the seamless omnichannel shopping experience?
• What are the distinctive issues in omnichannel Supply Chain Management? What new factors has omnichannel concept brought to SC flow management?
• How to adapt classical flow management policies to be applicable in an omnichannel configuration?
• What is the role of Data and advanced decision-making analytics in enabling the omnichannel shopping experience?
The candidate should have a Master of Science or French engineering degree in industrial engineering or operations research, and is expected to have strong skills in one and possibly several of the following topics:
- Supply chain management
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data analytics
- Stock control
- Operations Research
The candidate is also expected to have an excellent verbal and written communication and palatability for business applications. English fluency is required, French would be a plus.
Interested applicants should send a CV, a cover letter (one page maximum – clearly specifying your scientific interest), as well as well as name and contact of two referees.
Application should be submitted to:
For more information please contact:
- Yacine Rekik, Full Professor at emlyon business school, email:
- Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Professor INSA Lyon, email:
Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position has been filled. All applications will be carefully reviewed and the most qualified candidates will be invited to interview.
The selected candidate will teach introductory courses of operations management and statistics in the different campuses of emlyon business school in France (Lyon, Paris and Saint-Etienne). Her/his teaching duties will be around 90 hours per academic year.
The successful candidate will have a fixed-term contract at emlyon business school and member of its QUANT research center, affiliated to the DISP lab. of INSA Lyon and enrolled
to the Info-Maths doctoral school of the University of Lyon.
The PhD position is fully funded for a period of up to 4 years. The successful PhD candidate will be an employee of emlyon business school and will receive an attractive salary including health care and social benefits. The PhD position is intended to start on 1 September 2020.
About emlyon business school:
About emlyon QUANT research center:
About INSA Lyon:
About the DISP Lab team:
About Lyon:
Deadline of applications: until the position is filled.