La R.O.A.D
Livre blanc

Ph.D. position in combinatorial optimization

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2007-07-06

Ph.D. position in Combinatorial Optimization

Period: 3 years starting september 2007

We have an open position for Ph.D. studentship in the ANR funded project PARADE
(Parallel numerical Algorithms for Real-time simulation of Algebraic Differential Equations systems).
This is an exploratory research project which aims to develop a parallel numerical scheme solver for
algebraic differential equations. Different and related research subjects are considered in the project.
One of the problems concerns the optimization of the decomposition scheme of the differential equations
systems. This is an important step in the resolution process of the system. The thesis subject concerns
this part of the project.
The Ph.D. research work will focus on graph decomposition and combinatorial optimization techniques.
The researcher will also work in and cooperate with a multidisciplinary team covering the subjects
of the project as numerical analysis, simulation systems, parallelism and real-time software.

We are looking for an excellent and highly motivated candidate with a good first Master degree
(or equivalent) in Opeartions Resaerch, Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering and with
a strong interest and preferably scientific background in combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms.
She/he is expected to have good programming and mathematical skills, and to have a positive attitude
toward interdisciplinary research and teamwork. Knowledge of french is not a prerequisite for application.
English could be the working language of research.
Applicants should send a detailed resume, graduate transcripts
and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mails of three references to: Professor A. Ridha Mahjoub


A. Ridha Mahjoub
Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont II
Laboratoire LIMOS
Complexe Scientifique des Cezeaux
63177 Aubiere, Cedex
Tel: +33-(0)4 73 40 74 37
Fax: +33-(0)4 73 40 76 39