La R.O.A.D
Livre blanc

Postdoc Canada

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2019-03-13 par Marcel Mongeau

 Postdoctoral Fellow in Operations Management/ Operations Research

 Applications are invited for a postdoctoral fellow (PDF) in
 operations management/operations research starting April 1, 2019.
 This full-time one-year appointment can be extended, and entails
 working with a team of researchers in Toronto and Montreal (Canada).
 The PDF will work on active projects in the supply chain management
 and/or transportation domains. The PDF is expected to be involved in/
 lead each stage of the investigation, i.e., modeling, developing
 solution algorithms, data collection and analyses, manuscript
 preparation, conference presentations, etc.

 The ideal candidate will have: a PhD degree (or will be close to
 completion) in Operations Management, Operations Research, Industrial
 Engineering or another relevant discipline; strong modeling,
 analytical and optimization skills; demonstrated record/ potential to
 publish in top-tier outlets; and, evidence of written and oral
 fluency in English. The successful candidate can expect a competitive
 salary in line with the norms established by Natural Sciences and
 Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and to become a part of an
 excellent collegial research environment.

 Applications including a cover letter, current curriculum vitae,
 statement of research interest, sample publications, and names and
 contacts of three references should be submitted electronically to:
 Dr. Nader Azad (; Dr. Armin Jabbarzadeh
 (; and Dr. Manish Verma
 ( Review of applications will continue until the
 position is filled.