Assistant Position - Operations Research at Ghent University (UGent)
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2019-07-25 par Youcef Amarouche
Assistant Position - Operations Research and Industrial Engineering - At the department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design (EA18), Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEA), Ghent University (UGent),
The department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Product Design (EA18) of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (FEA) at Ghent University (UGent), Belgium, seeks candidates for an Assistant position in the domain of Operations Research to start in October 1, 2019. This position is open for candidates holding a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research; Applied Mathematics; Computer Science Engineering; Mathematical Informatics; Business Engineering. Candidates with background in operations research, systems engineering, control and optimization or in a closely related domain are strongly encouraged to apply. The selected candidate is expected to start a PhD research work in Industrial Systems Engineering and is also expected to assist the department in its courses related to Operations Research (the courses are thought in English).
If you are interested please get in touch with professor E.-H. Aghezzaf at (