Post-doc position in Operations Research and Machine Learning at Cermics (École des Ponts)
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2019-02-18 par Frédéric Meunier
École des Ponts ParisTech is looking for post-doctoral candidates in Operations Research to combine advanced OR tools and Machine Learning algorithms. No particular expertise in ML is required but we will particularly pay attention to ML enthusiastic profils. This two year position is part of the chair « Supply Chain of the future » and it will take part of promising challenges brought by a consortium of top leading French groups (Casino, Louis Vuitton, Renault, Michelin). The candidate will work closely with the Applied Mathematics lab CERMICS of École des Ponts ParisTech, and she/he will benefit from the expertise in Supply Chain of Pr P. Wieser from EPFL.
A quick meeting of the different ML/OR researcher teams of the partners will start this project. The post-doctoral researcher will be presented to the ML-OR case studies brought by each partners. Then, she/he will have to choose and address one of these issues deploying ML tools and her/his OR expertise. ML/OR support will be ensured by the CERMICS laboratory during the whole post-doctorate period. In a last part, the researcher will deploy her/his new algorithm to the other case studies.
For further inquiries, contact Yohann De Castro (