Call for Entries: 2014 Edelman Award
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2013-09-11 par Frédéric Gardi
Call for Entries: 2014 Edelman Award
Submit your entry now for the 2014 Franz Edelman Award. INFORMS' top prize for implemented work in OR/MS and analytics rewards outstanding examples of innovative and "game-changing" analytics projects in organizations. A three-page summary is due by October 16, 2013. The 2013 Edelman Award competition will be held at INFORMS 2014 Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research, March 30-April 1, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Click here for more information and the application process. Peter Bell, Professor of Management Science at University of Western Ontario, Canada, is 2013-2014 chair of the award committee.
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Submit your entry now for the 2014 Franz Edelman Award. INFORMS' top prize for implemented work in OR/MS and analytics rewards outstanding examples of innovative and "game-changing" analytics projects in organizations. A three-page summary is due by October 16, 2013. The 2013 Edelman Award competition will be held at INFORMS 2014 Conference on Business Analytics and Operations Research, March 30-April 1, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Click here for more information and the application process. Peter Bell, Professor of Management Science at University of Western Ontario, Canada, is 2013-2014 chair of the award committee.
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