La R.O.A.D
Livre blanc

Postdoc position in LOSI - UTT

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2012-07-06 par Hasan Murat Afsar

A 1 year postdoc position is available in the Industrial Systems Optimization Laboratory of the University of Technology of Troyes – France.

This position is part of a research project integrating transportation problems into wireless sensor networks.
The posdoctoral fellow will develop efficient optimization tools to solve traveling monitor problem which is a
theoretical problem with important applications in risk management under supervision of Professor Christian Prins,
Professor Hichem Snoussi, Dr Faicel Hnaien and Dr Murat Afsar .

We are looking for motivated applicants with a strong theoretical background. The ideal candidate should be skilled i
n at least one of: transportation problems, linear programming, meta-heuristics, mutli-objective optimization.
Programming skills in C/C++/JAVA is indispensable.

The position comes with an attractive remuneration package, competitive at the international level, as well as travel support.
The start date is ideally between October 2012 and December 2012. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a CV
with a brief summary of past research and names of references - all in PDF format – to: .