CFP: metaheuristic and local search with constrain
Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2005-09-01
== MLS+CP ==
== Free of charge workshop on Combination of metaheuristic ==
== and local search with Constraint Programming techniques ==
== November 28-29, 2005 ==
== University of Nantes, Nantes - France ==
== ==
== ==
Constraint programming and metaheuristics share the same objective at
offering effective tools to aid decision makers in solving real-life
problems. Several attempts have been done to combine the two paradigms in
order to provide new efficient tools. This workshop aims to further
stimulate cross-paradigms work on this field of research. Researches and
practitioners will be given the opportunity to discuss recent advances in
diverse topics such as:
- Metaheuristics and CP for continuous/discrete linear/nonlinear
single/multiple objective optimization problems
- CP embedded in metaheuristics
- Metaheuristics embedded in CP
- Space reduction/decomposition with CP or metaheuristic techniques for
optimization problems
- Hybrid methods between CP and Local Search based metaheuristics (simulated
annealing, tabu search, etc.)
- Hybrid methods between CP and Evolutionary metaheuristics (genetic
algorithms, memetic algorithms, etc.)
- Hybrid methods between CP and Constructive metaheuristics (ant colony
optimization, GRASP, etc.)
- Hybrid methods between CP and other aspects of metaheuristics (path
relinking, neural networks)
- New Local Search strategies in CP
- CP and preference-based methods
- Hybrid approaches dedicated to problems characterized by their
combinatorial structures (knapsack, covering, partitioning, etc.)
- Applications (transportation, networks, scheduling, engineering,
timetabling, business, bioinformatics, datamining, etc.)
- Success stories
- Software aspects (software class libraries, algorithms and data
structures, reusable software, parallel computing).
This EU/ME workshop is collocated with the CP and OR French working group
and will bring researchers and practitioners from both communities. The
overall aim of the workshop is to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas
and experiences among the workshop participants.
The official language of the Conference is English. All presentations will
be made in English. No arrangements are available for simultaneous
To increase the interaction among researchers, there will be no parallel
sessions at the workshop. The plenary stream will consist of:
Four tutorial sessions (1h) :
- Patrick Siarry (Univ. Paris 12, FR)
- Some contributions to the adaptation of discrete metaheuristics for
continuous optimization
Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown Univ, USA)
- Constraint-Based Local Search
Michela Milano (Univ. Bologna, IT)
- On global optimization, relaxations for improving tree search and
Benders decomposition
Eric Bourreau (Univ. Montpellier, FR)
Ten technical sessions (1/2h) :
Ten of the submitted papers will be selected for presentation in a technical
session. The objective of the technical sessions is to cover as broadly as
possible the field of MLS+CP. Papers are selected on the basis of their
outstanding quality and the fact that they discuss a topic not discussed in
another technical session.
Researchers and practitioners in the field of Combination of metaheuristic
and local search with Constraint Programming techniques are invited to
submit a proposal of 4 pages by e-mail to :
ppcro [at]
Add 5 keywords and an abstract of approximately 10 lines. The left and right
margins must be of 2.5cm whilst the up and down margins must be of 2.3cm.
Each page must contain only one column, with single spaced lines. Use Times
new roman style for writting, or equivalent, with 11pt in size. Figures and
tables must be directly included in the body of the text. An exemple of
Latex file is available on the web site of the workshop :
Accepted papers will be assigned to a technical session.
All accepted authors are invited to prepare a full paper, that will be
subjected to a regular refereeing process for publication in an
international journal or an international serie (e.g. Springer LNCS).
Informations, guidelines, etc will be soon available on the website.
The schedule for the submission process is :
as soon as possible : registration
Nov 15, 2005 : deadline for abstract submission
Nov 22, 2005 : notification of acceptance or rejection
Dec 31, 2005 : deadline for full papers for publication
The workshop will take place on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 November 2005.
This workshop is organized by:
- The Computer Science Laboratory of Nantes-Atlantique (LINA FRE CNRS
(University of Nantes and Ecole des mines de Nantes)
- The french working group "Constraint Programming & Operations Research"
(sponsored by ROADEF, the french OR society and AFPC, the french CP
- EU/ME, the European working group on Metaheuristics
(sponsored by EURO, the European Association of OR Societies)
Mail to one of the local organisers:
Xavier.Gandibleux [at]
Narendra.Jussien [at]
Hoping to see you soon in Nantes, the organisation committee :
- Sophie Demassey
LINA - Ecole des mines de Nantes, France SophieD [at]
- Xavier Gandibleux
LINA - University of Nantes, France
Xavier.Gandibleux [at]
- Narendra Jussien
LINA - Ecole des mines de Nantes, France Narendra.Jussien [at]
- Fabien Le Huédé
Thales, France
Fabien.LeHuede [at]
- Marc Sevaux
University of Bretagne Sud-Lorient, France Marc.Sevaux [new email address in
- Kenneth Sörensen
TEW - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Kenneth.Sorensen [at]
== MLS+CP ==
== Free of charge workshop on Combination of metaheuristic ==
== and local search with Constraint Programming techniques ==
== November 28-29, 2005 ==
== University of Nantes, Nantes - France ==
== ==
== ==
Constraint programming and metaheuristics share the same objective at
offering effective tools to aid decision makers in solving real-life
problems. Several attempts have been done to combine the two paradigms in
order to provide new efficient tools. This workshop aims to further
stimulate cross-paradigms work on this field of research. Researches and
practitioners will be given the opportunity to discuss recent advances in
diverse topics such as:
- Metaheuristics and CP for continuous/discrete linear/nonlinear
single/multiple objective optimization problems
- CP embedded in metaheuristics
- Metaheuristics embedded in CP
- Space reduction/decomposition with CP or metaheuristic techniques for
optimization problems
- Hybrid methods between CP and Local Search based metaheuristics (simulated
annealing, tabu search, etc.)
- Hybrid methods between CP and Evolutionary metaheuristics (genetic
algorithms, memetic algorithms, etc.)
- Hybrid methods between CP and Constructive metaheuristics (ant colony
optimization, GRASP, etc.)
- Hybrid methods between CP and other aspects of metaheuristics (path
relinking, neural networks)
- New Local Search strategies in CP
- CP and preference-based methods
- Hybrid approaches dedicated to problems characterized by their
combinatorial structures (knapsack, covering, partitioning, etc.)
- Applications (transportation, networks, scheduling, engineering,
timetabling, business, bioinformatics, datamining, etc.)
- Success stories
- Software aspects (software class libraries, algorithms and data
structures, reusable software, parallel computing).
This EU/ME workshop is collocated with the CP and OR French working group
and will bring researchers and practitioners from both communities. The
overall aim of the workshop is to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas
and experiences among the workshop participants.
The official language of the Conference is English. All presentations will
be made in English. No arrangements are available for simultaneous
To increase the interaction among researchers, there will be no parallel
sessions at the workshop. The plenary stream will consist of:
Four tutorial sessions (1h) :
- Patrick Siarry (Univ. Paris 12, FR)
- Some contributions to the adaptation of discrete metaheuristics for
continuous optimization
Pascal Van Hentenryck (Brown Univ, USA)
- Constraint-Based Local Search
Michela Milano (Univ. Bologna, IT)
- On global optimization, relaxations for improving tree search and
Benders decomposition
Eric Bourreau (Univ. Montpellier, FR)
Ten technical sessions (1/2h) :
Ten of the submitted papers will be selected for presentation in a technical
session. The objective of the technical sessions is to cover as broadly as
possible the field of MLS+CP. Papers are selected on the basis of their
outstanding quality and the fact that they discuss a topic not discussed in
another technical session.
Researchers and practitioners in the field of Combination of metaheuristic
and local search with Constraint Programming techniques are invited to
submit a proposal of 4 pages by e-mail to :
ppcro [at]
Add 5 keywords and an abstract of approximately 10 lines. The left and right
margins must be of 2.5cm whilst the up and down margins must be of 2.3cm.
Each page must contain only one column, with single spaced lines. Use Times
new roman style for writting, or equivalent, with 11pt in size. Figures and
tables must be directly included in the body of the text. An exemple of
Latex file is available on the web site of the workshop :
Accepted papers will be assigned to a technical session.
All accepted authors are invited to prepare a full paper, that will be
subjected to a regular refereeing process for publication in an
international journal or an international serie (e.g. Springer LNCS).
Informations, guidelines, etc will be soon available on the website.
The schedule for the submission process is :
as soon as possible : registration
Nov 15, 2005 : deadline for abstract submission
Nov 22, 2005 : notification of acceptance or rejection
Dec 31, 2005 : deadline for full papers for publication
The workshop will take place on Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 November 2005.
This workshop is organized by:
- The Computer Science Laboratory of Nantes-Atlantique (LINA FRE CNRS
(University of Nantes and Ecole des mines de Nantes)
- The french working group "Constraint Programming & Operations Research"
(sponsored by ROADEF, the french OR society and AFPC, the french CP
- EU/ME, the European working group on Metaheuristics
(sponsored by EURO, the European Association of OR Societies)
Mail to one of the local organisers:
Xavier.Gandibleux [at]
Narendra.Jussien [at]
Hoping to see you soon in Nantes, the organisation committee :
- Sophie Demassey
LINA - Ecole des mines de Nantes, France SophieD [at]
- Xavier Gandibleux
LINA - University of Nantes, France
Xavier.Gandibleux [at]
- Narendra Jussien
LINA - Ecole des mines de Nantes, France Narendra.Jussien [at]
- Fabien Le Huédé
Thales, France
Fabien.LeHuede [at]
- Marc Sevaux
University of Bretagne Sud-Lorient, France Marc.Sevaux [new email address in
- Kenneth Sörensen
TEW - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Kenneth.Sorensen [at]