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IFIP TC8/8.3 Conference : Decision Support Systems

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2007-06-30

IFIP TC8/WG8.3 Working Conference

International Conference on
Collaborative Decision Making (CDM'08)

Manufacture des Tabacs, Toulouse, France July 1st- 4th 2008

Conference chair : P. Zaraté, IRIT-INPT-ENSIACET, Toulouse, France

Paper submission due: November 16th 2007

The IFIP TC8/WG8.3 conferences present the latest innovations and achievements of academic communities on Decision Support Systems (DSS).
These advances include theory, systems, computer aided methods, algorithms, techniques, and applications related to supporting decision making.

This conference is supported by the Euro Working Group on DSS (see

The main theme for the 2008 edition of the conference is Collaborative Decision Making and in particular, addressing the question of how to support Collaboration in Decision Making? Welcome answers will incorporate key elements to deal with the complexity of supporting collaborative decision making. Expected contributions will try to answer to some of the following
Where does the data for collaborative decision making come from and how is it assembled?
Who is, or should be, involved in making the decision?
How do teams collaborate to build up common understanding?
How to Tackle Complexity in decision making and decision support?
A special focus on Data, Models and Actors will be taken into account.

Topics: The topics of interest for the conference include, but are not limited to:
- Facilitation of team coordination and data collection and exchange
- Logistics knowledge collaboration model
- Impact of introducing new technology on collaboration
- Spontaneous collaborations
- Evaluation of the most appropriate collaboration level
- Coordination of distributed supply chain partnerships
- Machine intelligence coupled with human intelligence
- Collaboration across supply networks using intelligent agents
- Knowledge-intensive collaborative design
- On-demand business process-based collaboration
- Utilizing context in knowledge management and collaborative systems
- Collaboration among entities in a network such as schedulers
- Social collaboration systems
- Intellectual capital as a resource network for collaborative decision making.

Papers focused on other areas linked to DSS area are also welcome, for
- Data-driven DSS (including data mining types of problems)
- Model-driven DSS
- Intelligent DSS
- Real-time DSS

For additional information and submission, please visit:

A Doctoral Colloquium will be held as part of the conference July 1st 2008 is organised by G. Philips-Wren and D. Paradice.

Authors are requested to submit original, complete papers to the following email Each paper will be reviewed by at least two referees. Accepted papers will be published only if at least one of the authors is registered to attend the conference in due time. Accepted papers with at least one registered author will appear in the Proceedings of the Conference published as a book.
Formatting Instructions for submissions will be delivered in the second Call for Papers.
Best papers will be forwarded for submission to several special issues for high level journals in the DSS area like Journal of Decision Systems, Intelligent Decision technologies, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR).

Time Schedule:
Paper submission due November 16th 2007
Notification to authors January 18th 2008
Final Version of accepted papers February 15th 2008
Conference July 1st to 4th 2008

Language The official language of the conference is English.

Conference location Toulouse is a large city in the south west of France in the Midi Pyrénées country. For more information about Toulouse and its country please visit: .


Conference chair : Pascale Zaraté, IRIT-ENSIACET-INPT, Toulouse, France

Steering Committee:
Adam Frédéric, University College Cork, Ireland Burstein Frada, Monash University, Australia Humphreys Patrick, London School of Economics, UK Pino José Alberto, University of Chile, Chile Respicio Ana, Lisbon University, Portugal Philips - Wren Gloria, Loyola Maryland University, USA Pascale Zaraté, IRIT-ENSIACET-INPT, Toulouse, France

Organising Committee:
Belaud Jean Pierre, LGC-ENSIACET-INPT, Toulouse, France Camilleri Guy, IRIT-UPS, Toulouse, France Ravat Franck, IRIT-UT1, Toulouse, France Pascale Zaraté, IRIT-ENSIACET-INPT, Toulouse, France

Conference secretary:
Debats Véronique, IRIT, Toulouse, France Foucaud Florence, INPT-SAIC, Toulouse, France

Scientific program committee: to be determined