Cours de Jack Edmonds a l'IHP (8-12 fevrier 2010)
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Un cours de Jack Edmonds a l'IHP - venez nombreux! Pour vous enregistrer,
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Algorithms and Pretty Theorems
An Introductory Didactic Symposium, February 8 – 12, 2010.
9:00-11.30 am and 2:00-4:30 pm each day.
Hermite Amphitheatre, Institut Henri Poincare, Latin Quarter, Paris.
For anyone who enjoys a bit of easy fundamental math.
Supporting materials will be on the
website: [TBA]
If you can squeeze it in, this will be a lovely reason to spend a week in
the center of Paris. Please register to let us know your plans, and to
receive updates from us,
by emailing, and webmaster,
Academic credit can be arranged.
Topics will be taken from areas of:
Euclid & Hermite; Farkas & Egervary; Sperner & Tucker; Lemke & Scarf; EP,
NP, coNP, & P; Polymatroids & Submodularity; Rigidity & Shannon Switching;
Flows & Co-flows; Integer Polytopes; Games; Nash Equilibria;
Extrema; Cutting Planes; Branching Systems; Orderings, Trees, & Boolean
Circuits; Traveling Salesman and Chinese Postman Tours; Packings &
Colorings; Perfect Graphs; Polyhedral Volume; Triangulations;
Line Arrangements & d-dim Sphere Systems; Graphs in Surfaces & Planarity;
Sponsors and Presenters include:
Equipe Combinatoire & Optimization, Paris 6: S.Sorin, A.Bondy, K.Cameron,
J.Fonlupt, Michel Las Vergnas, Y.Hamidoune, P.Duchet, E.Balandraud,
G.Gomes., []
LIAFA, Paris 7: M.Habib, N.Trotignon, P.Charbit, J.Edmonds.
POC-LAMSADE, Dauphine Paris: R.Mahjoub, D.Cornaz.
Ecole Polytechnique: S.Gaubert, L.Liberti, V.Jost (LIX), M. Balinski.
ecrivez un mail aux deux adresses:
Algorithms and Pretty Theorems
An Introductory Didactic Symposium, February 8 – 12, 2010.
9:00-11.30 am and 2:00-4:30 pm each day.
Hermite Amphitheatre, Institut Henri Poincare, Latin Quarter, Paris.
For anyone who enjoys a bit of easy fundamental math.
Supporting materials will be on the
website: [TBA]
If you can squeeze it in, this will be a lovely reason to spend a week in
the center of Paris. Please register to let us know your plans, and to
receive updates from us,
by emailing, and webmaster,
Academic credit can be arranged.
Topics will be taken from areas of:
Euclid & Hermite; Farkas & Egervary; Sperner & Tucker; Lemke & Scarf; EP,
NP, coNP, & P; Polymatroids & Submodularity; Rigidity & Shannon Switching;
Flows & Co-flows; Integer Polytopes; Games; Nash Equilibria;
Extrema; Cutting Planes; Branching Systems; Orderings, Trees, & Boolean
Circuits; Traveling Salesman and Chinese Postman Tours; Packings &
Colorings; Perfect Graphs; Polyhedral Volume; Triangulations;
Line Arrangements & d-dim Sphere Systems; Graphs in Surfaces & Planarity;
Sponsors and Presenters include:
Equipe Combinatoire & Optimization, Paris 6: S.Sorin, A.Bondy, K.Cameron,
J.Fonlupt, Michel Las Vergnas, Y.Hamidoune, P.Duchet, E.Balandraud,
G.Gomes., []
LIAFA, Paris 7: M.Habib, N.Trotignon, P.Charbit, J.Edmonds.
POC-LAMSADE, Dauphine Paris: R.Mahjoub, D.Cornaz.
Ecole Polytechnique: S.Gaubert, L.Liberti, V.Jost (LIX), M. Balinski.