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CfP: Session on Parallel Implementation of Metaheuristics - META'2008

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2008-05-30

META'2008 International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing

29-31 Oct 2008

Special Session on "Parallel Implementation of Metaheuristics"

Call for Papers

As academic and industrial optimization problems keep increasing in size and complexity, it is a constant goal to improve the effectiveness of metaheuristics to find better solutions in the shortest possible computational time. One way to achieve this goal is the use of parallel computing. However, research on parallel metaheuristics has shown that obtaining an efficient parallel implementation of a resolution method is rarely a simple or obvious task. While it is a desirable goal to design parallel metaheuristics that are independent of a particular model of computing, it is often necessary to take it into account to reach the highest levels of performance. With the evolution of parallel architectures, algorithmic models and programming languages, many opportunities emerge for the implementation of metaheuristics.

This special session is aimed at presenting and discussing the latest advances and trends in the design and implementation of parallel metaheuristics. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to :
- Parallelization strategies/frameworks for existing metaheuristics
- Implementation on state-of-the-art parallel architectures (Symmetric Multiprocessors, Multi-Core processors, Clusters, GPU's, ...)
- Software development using parallel programming languages (MPI, OpenMP, ...)
- Parallel resolution of large/complex problems

Important dates :
Deadline for submissions : June 15th, 2008
Notification due : July 15th, 2008
Final version due : September 15th, 2008

META'2008 submissions are only 2 pages abstracts in ENGLISH
Only PDF is accepted
Steps :
1- Create an account on
2- Use Latex ( or Word ( format
3- Submit on
4- You will receive an automatic email to confirm the submission
5- You can update your submission until the deadline

A selection of papers will be published in
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms (JMMA)
International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics
International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management

Session Organizers
Pierre Delisle (
Michaël Krajecki (