La R.O.A.D
Livre blanc

Prix EDDA 2007

Forum 'Annonces' - Sujet créé le 2006-10-16

EDDA 2007

Dear Colleague, dear Friend,

The EDDA (EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award), a new EURO instrument, will now be awarded each time a EURO-K conference takes place. It will be awarded for the third time at the closing session of the EURO-2007 conference (Prague-July 9-11, 2007). The purpose is to identify the best PhD. thesis defended in the EURO countries during the last year. (For more information see: We therefore invite you to disseminate the information here under.

The entries will consist of doctoral dissertations that were completed after the competition deadline of the previous EURO Doctoral Dissertation Award, i.e. after January 15, 2006.
The dissertation must have been defended at an European University and the author must be a member of an EURO member society.
To be considered, a dissertation must be nominated by the thesis supervisor, who must submit the following items, as far as possible in electronic version:

1. Dissertation.
2. Extended abstract (3 to 5 pages) in English.
3. If the thesis was not written in English the nomination must include a paper in English (10 to max. 30 pages) describing the core ideas of the thesis that has been submitted for publication in an international journal or a prestigious conference.
4. Nomination letters (or reports) from two referees selected by the dissertation supervisor, supporting the submission and stating their assessment of why the thesis should win the award.

No nomination will be considered without these four items.


The prize is endowed by 1.000 € for the final winner and includes a certificate. The 3 finalists are granted the early registration fee at the EURO K conference at which they participate as such. EURO will also contribute to their travel and journey expenses.

The deadline for submitting applications will be February, 15, 2007.

As hundreds of PhD’s in OR are achieved each year in Europe, we ask you to meet as far as possible the following rules:

1. Please limit the applications to outstanding pieces of work.
2. In order to facilitate the circulation of the contributions between the members of the jury, we ask you to send, as far as possible, only electronic versions to the following address: Otherwise, contact me for other alternatives.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and your nominations.

Yours sincerely,

Laureano F. Escudero,
Chairman EDDA-2007.