Offre de Th
Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2014-02-18
BRAIN-TRansversal Assessment of Intermodal New Strategies (BRAIN-TRAINS)
For this Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks, HEC-ULg offers a PhD fellowship starting in March 2014.
BRAIN-TRAINS is a four-year project (2014-2018) with the University of Antwerp.
The approach comes under the operations research domain and the mathematical optimization. Design and management of intermodal transport services networks problems are complex inherently, in regards to the multiplicity of the objectives, of the constraints and of the parameters. In addition, taking into account external costs due to emissions might imply the development of non-linear optimization models.
Candidate profile:
Quantitative skills
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Strong academic record
Good knowledge of English
Good drafting ability required
For this Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks, HEC-ULg offers a PhD fellowship starting in March 2014.
BRAIN-TRAINS is a four-year project (2014-2018) with the University of Antwerp.
The approach comes under the operations research domain and the mathematical optimization. Design and management of intermodal transport services networks problems are complex inherently, in regards to the multiplicity of the objectives, of the constraints and of the parameters. In addition, taking into account external costs due to emissions might imply the development of non-linear optimization models.
Candidate profile:
Quantitative skills
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Strong academic record
Good knowledge of English
Good drafting ability required