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Job Offer Ph D Thesis

Forum 'Emplois' - Sujet créé le 2015-09-14 par Thierry PIRONET

Ph. D. Job offer at HEC-Ulg
The research group QuantOM (Center for Quantitative Methods and Operations Management) of HEC-Management School of the University of Liège (Belgium) has a vacancy for one full-time Ph. D. scholarship for one year starting in the Fall 2015 according to applicant's availability and in order to register into the Ph. D. program. This one year position might be extended by other grants for the following years (FNRS, FRIA, PRISME...).
The scientific research is in the field of operations research (O.R.) and specifically in distribution network design. The contribution will focus initially on some algorithmic developments and experimental tests. QuantOM provides a dynamic, multinational and professional working environment, in a group recognized at the highest international level.
Candidates should have an interest in operations research and coding and preferably hold a Master's degree in Business Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, Operations research, (Civil or Industrial) Engineering. Experience with one programming language is an asset as developments will be performed in C++ accessing the commercial solver Cplex. An average degree of "cum laude" during preliminary studies is an advantage, as well as an appropriate level of written and spoken English. French is not a requirement, yet it is an advantage for local or daily conversations and for scientific relationship with the research centers Inria-Lille Nord Europe (France) and Cirrelt (Québec, CA) which are partners in the project. Some international travels might be required. The project is funded by the PAI (Pôle d'attraction inter-universitaire) COMEX (Combinatorial Optimization: metaheuristics and exact methods) supported by BELSPO the Belgian Science Policy Office.
Interested candidates should supply an application letter with motivation, a curriculum vitae, and the listings of their exam results, and this as early as possible, certainly by the deadline of October 15th. All applications should be submitted to:
HEC-Université de Liège
Rue Louvrex, 14 Bureau 328
B-4000 LIEGE
For further information, please send an e-mail to
The grant is around 2150 euros gross per month leading approximatively to 1990 euros net per month as the research grant is subject to tax exemption. Yet, candidate status (UE citizen or not) might slightly change the exemption rules.